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Min/Max: 50 / 10000
Referral: Min 3,2,1% - Max 7,5,3,2,1,1,1%
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Our Investment: $200.00
Payout Ratio: 69%
Last Payout: Nov 24th, 2019
Added: May 8th, 2019
Monitored: 200 days
Lifetime: 292 days
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- The first global community in which financial laws work differently, where anyone can gain financial independence in a short time, regardless of their skills and experience. The main criterion is not how much you work, but how much you believe in the idea of creating a technologically prosperous world. Inside the Hooplex community, advanced Lexera technology is created On which the multi-currency system LexeraLXR is developed. This is a completely new type of multi-currency system, operating on the basis of multi-currency core LexeraWay. LXR coin does not have any limits and controlling authority. It is generated in the multi-currency LexeraWay core when transfering the transactions through it and is burned at the exit from the core. All transactions are completely anonymous.
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